Outlook cover

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Produced in the Office of Medical Public Affairs.
Volume XLVI, Number 1. Outlook (ISSN 1042-2897) is published quarterly by Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8508, 4444 Forest Park Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108.





Drama in the Dialysis Unit
Medical center teams avert disaster with quick thinking and careful analysis, leading to an international investigation.

Dangerous Transformations
The study of one individual's genetic mutations is helping researchers expand their approach in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

What's Up? Retraining the Brain
A wearable device may help people with balance problems maintain their equilibrium when their vestibular systems go awry.

When Flexner Saw the Future
The infamous report on the nation's medical schools led to a complete reorganization of the School of Medicine and to the establishment of the present medical center.

Picture Page
Extreme number crunching