Pictures of Health art@HealthStreet HealthCycle Keeping a Healthy Mind/Healthy Snacks and Exercise Go Vegetarian Blue Bowl with Lime Banana Slim Health Fruit on an Olive Branch A Happy Healthy Girl/Health Choices

Healthy Art

HealthStreet, a Washington University community outreach effort, and the
St. Louis Public Schools recently partnered to sponsor the second annual art@HealthStreet contest. More than 150 students from kindergarten through 12th grade participated. Their work covered making healthy choices, nutrition, exercise and drug use and was displayed in the Program in Occupational Therapy offices in the 4444 Forest Park Ave. Building and in the School of Medicine’s Farrell Learning and Teaching Center. HealthStreet is a part of Washington University's Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences funded in part by NIH CTSA grant UL1 RR024992.

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